You just use the AT Request Form, found under quick links on the homepage of the AT website.
Any student on an IEP or 504 can receive a Chromebook from AT. Being evaluated for either of those documents does qualify the student for AT.
It is not best practice to request a Chromebook for every student. Generally speaking a Chromebook is provided to a student when the school has a limited supply of Chromebooks that precludes the student from having access to their accomodations throughout all their classes. For Example, if the student is using Read & Write to support their digital Text-to-Speech accomodations, and the school can not provide them a 1 to 1 Chromebook, that would be the perfect time to request a device for the student.
No, you do not. Read & Write and Equatio are both attached to the student's credential. Any device the student uses that credential to login to, the license will be available
AT : 720.423.1200